Sunday, July 3, 2011

Wow.... What a hell of a week....

So last Friday started out as a great day. Kim and I got ready for our day date and Adrien was in a great mood. We laughed and joked and Ryan came to the door. Kelly went crazy as usual. This time, we were prepared. The car was started and everything was ready. Normally we feel super bad about leaving Adrien but this time we needed the date. We needed some us time. So Ryan walked through the door and we walked out. The date started out great. A nice ride to downtown Raleigh. A fantastic lunch at The Pit. So we finish lunch. Make our way back out capital blvd. I'm in the left lane and actually doing the speed limit. Next thing I know a truck pulls out in front of me. I have really no time to do anything but hit the brakes and swerve and boom..... We're sitting on the side of the road. My hands burn, my chest hurts and all I can smell and see is smoke. I look over to Kim and ask if she is ok and she has this painful stun on her face and says she cant breathe. Ok not so good. My chest is hurting really bad and the paramedics come to my side first and I ask if they will go to my wife first because she cant breathe. They do. Everyone was super nice and super helpful and got Kim into the ambulance. They say to me Kim is being transported to WakeMed and I look at them like uhhhh, come hell or high water, I'm riding with my wife. So I did and as we are pulling away I catch a glimpse of the Civ, crumpled is my only word for it.... So we get to the ER and I am split up from Kim because she is on a stretcher and goes straight back. I knew it was going to happen but it didn't make me feel any better about it. I found myself sitting in the waiting area crying not only because I have no clue how my wife is, but also because the adrenaline is wearing off and the pain is kicking in. I'm not sure how many of you have been in this kind of accident before but it was pretty much like hitting a concrete wall going between 50-55mph. That shit hurts, pardon my language. So after a few hours of being checked out and Kim being checked out we are sent home with just cuts and bruises. Which after seeing the car was pretty amazing I'd say. A major thank you goes out to a few people at this point also. First and foremost to Ryan for taking care of our son during all of this. It was very calming to know he was at home safe and happy. Thanks also go out to Kim's siblings Krissy and Andrew for dropping everything they had going on and driving 2 hours to come and pick us up and take us home and take care of us. So the next day doesn't really get you. It's the 3rd and 4th days where you really start feeling it. Every bone and muscle in your body hurts more than anything you can imagine. So a few days of rest would be ideal, but no, it's time to kick it back in gear and head to Orlando with Kim and her students for the FBLA Nationals event. So we wreck on friday, semi rest on saturday, I work a few hours on sunday until I am relieved by the other shift supervisor because I hurt so bad, pack monday during the day and work that night and then fly out on tuesday. That's when things really become unfun. Even though that's not even a real word, it really explains the situation. Summertime in Florida is kind of crappy. Because every afternoon it's like a tsunami outside! Which on wednesday Adrien and I get caught up in. Long story short we all go to Wet N' Wild and have a great time and Adrien and I leave first to catch the trolley back to the hotel and boom, commence tsunami! So we are waiting on the trolley to come and it starts pouring rain, wait for 20 minutes and we are soaked and then watch the trolley drive by because it's full! Great! So I'm soaked, Adrien is soaked and shivering, the stroller is soaked and my only choice is to run to the closest hotel and go into the lobby. They were very nice though. Gave me warm towels to wrap Adrien in to dry and keep him warm as we wait for a taxi. If you don't already know, there isn't much to do with an active 1 year old in OYrlando. True there are a lot of attractions but none that I'm willing to pay a lot of money for just to watch Adrien run around and not pay any attention to any of it. Also when your only transportation is your feet and a stroller and you've just been in a serious car accident, you don't really care much for walking the streets and hoping you don't get rained on as you wait for a trolley. So Orlando wasn't much fun for Adrien and I. We made the best of what we had but boy was it tough. Waking up every morning to a new pain wasn't much fun for Kim and I, but we made do. So we made it back home and went straight to urgent care because Kim's leg is infected and not feeling too great and my chest still hurts pretty badly. Then I find out that my dad has to drive Kim to the ER in Oxford because she may have a blood clot in her leg..... Turn the mass amounts of emotion back on. I'm scared to death but have to suck it up and be happy because Adrien and I are headed back home and I have to try to keep him happy and get his belly full. So turns out Kim's leg is fine, other than the infection. All is well, right? Wrong! The first thing I do when I get home is turn the AC down to get the house cooled back down. Later on in the night after Kim is back home and we are settling back in, the house still seems really hot. So I go look and it has only dropped 1 degree in about 5 hours. F... my life...... So it sure is nice to be home, but it sure was cooler in the hotel in Orlando. Luckily we have a fantastic neighbor named Robert who just so happens to be in the HVAC business and tonight he has saved our day! Kim is asleep, the baby is asleep and the house is finally starting to cool off. On another little topic, just another little jab for me, I had just put new wheels and tires on the car 6 days before the wreck and had ordered lowering springs to put on it. So the car was gonna look pretty dope. Now the wheels and springs are sitting in the building just waiting to be sold. Neither company will take them back so I'm stuck with them until I can find someone to buy them. All of this just adds insult to injury. So, how has your week been? Better than mine and Kim's I hope. After a serious car accident you look at life differently. You think about what could have been... But it didn't turn out that way. So it's all going to be ok. I'm content with ok... Our bruises are going away, we are still sore. But I couldn't be happier. My wife is ok, our son is ok and I will be ok. So all in all, life is good. Just remember kids, always wear your seat belts!

RIP Civic #2... you will be missed.