Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why can't we all just get over ourselves and value love and not hate?

I feel like everyday I wake up and I see something on the news that makes me stop and think. Whether its some sort of Gay Rights Activists, NAACP or even Religious protestors. If everyone in this world would get over their prejudices and what their books tell them, this would be a much happier world to live in. First I'll touch on the issue of being Gay or being a Lesbian. What's the big deal really? Just because the book that you believe tells you its wrong, you should go against the book you believe in and hate these people. Personally, I have no problem at all with it. I have friends that are homosexual and guess what? They're pretty normal. Just like you and me. They prefer something other than you. You may prefer yellow onions while I prefer to use sweet onions in a recipe. Does that mean because your cookbook calls for yellow, I'm wrong for using a Vidalia? Get over it. Everyone in this world should learn equality and put it in their everyday life. So what if they want to get married. Why shouldn't they be able to? They have the right to get a driver's license or become a doctor or pay the same taxes as you do or be able to be on the same healthcare plan, but you want to deny them the simple act of saying their partner is their husband or wife? It just doesn't make sense to me. My next topic is racism. Did you know most racist are also bible believing christians? Which doesn't make sense to me. The way I understand it, God created Adam and Eve and everyone in this world came from them. Incest is an issue here with me, but I'm not going to touch that.... So if this entity that you believe in, created all humans the same, why can't we just be the same? Why does color have to be an issue? You think I don't know about prejudice because I'm white? Ask my Grandmother about the night the Germans stormed into her home and tore her from her family, to never see them again when Germany invaded Poland. Ask her about how she "worked" for German families whether she liked it or not. Ask her about how she met my Grandfather in a German work camp for "Polaks" that were similar to concentration camps for the Jews, less killing though I assume. FYI, for anyone who doesn't know, calling someone a Polak is just like calling a black person the N word... So get off that shit.... So what I'm getting at here is its sad that a country that was founded on freedom, cannot free itself from hate. Be it race, religion, beliefs or anything else. When slaves were freed, people were outraged. When schools were integrated, people were outraged. All because of someone's skin color. I don't see color myself. I see people. I see a person for who or what they are. So why is it so hard for everyone else to do the same. Now the next thing I will touch on is religious beliefs. Whether you're Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Atheist, Jewish, Taoist, Dudeist or any other entity or lack there of that I have forgotten, can't we all just get along? Now I will say this, the extremists can go the fuck on. Like people who want to bomb abortion clinics and blow up America as a whole. You people are ridiculous. To me you are going against everything you believe in. Like when the Muslims wanted to build a Mosque in NYC, people were outraged. I'm pretty sure they weren't doing it to, as what you all called it, slap 9/11 victims and families in the face. Christians aren't wanting to keep God in everything he has always been in just to piss off Atheists. Its called believing and having faith in something and valuing it and keeping it sacred to oneself. I have a lot of beliefs that I won't particularly get into as to not cause a commotion. Some of these beliefs are about the very subjects I just talked about. But it doesn't stop me from loving everyone for who they are or even what they could be.

Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it.
-Frances Wright