Tuesday, September 10, 2013

No really, why am I the only one that gets spit up on all the time?!?!?

So I had this problem when Adrien was born where I was the only person to ever get spit up on. The time my mother was alive she never got it. My dad never got it. Kim's family never got it. Hell Kim rarely got it. Now with Eevie, I guess I had forgotten the pattern. I mean Kim nurses and burps, minimal spit up. Kim nurses and I burp, spit up all over the burp cloth, all over my shirt and occasionally my shorts. How am I this unlucky? It's not so much a problem to Eevie. She just does it and smiles at me, just like Adrien did. Why was I not more prepared? How come I didn't think ahead and keep a hazmat suit lying around for burping? It doesn't even have to be burping either... Changing diapers I get projectile spit up on me and then laughed at. I kid you not, I have to change shirts at least 3-4 times a day. Unless I'm not going anywhere. Then I just smell it and if it doesn't smell sour, I just let it dry... Don't judge. Oh the things you do as a parent. All this to say, it's really hard to keep a little girl looking super cute when you have to keep a bib on her to keep her outfits clean.... It's all just one big damn spit up conspiracy in this household I tell ya!

Monday, September 9, 2013

I've seen plenty of sunrises and sunsets in my day....

So here we are, 30. Nice to meet you. Who would've thought we would've ever met? I know for a fact that I have almost sold myself short several times from meeting you. But, I made it to 30, have been with my wife for almost 7 years, been married for a little over 5 and a half years, my son is 3 and a half years old and now I have a 2 month old daughter. Who the hell saw that coming 10 years ago? ::raises hand:: Not I, that's for sure. I've had my share of a life in 30 years. My parents split and then got back together. My mom got cancer twice. Beating it once and losing the battle the second time. I've checked myself into a mental health facility for being suicidal. I've battled addictions. I've loved and I've lost. But all in all, I've made it 30 years. I've had the opportunity to stay home with my son and now sent him off to preschool. I'm now getting the same opportunity to do the same with my daughter. I wouldn't trade any of that or this for the world. But do you ever wonder what makes up a full and complete life? If I died today, could I say I have lived my life to the fullest and was it complete? Obviously the first no comes to leaving 2 small children and a wife behind. But the question I ponder most, have I actually impacted lives.... Be it good or bad. I can't think of any instances where I was astonishingly overcome by feeling like I have. So where does that leave me? Do I have another 30 years to do so? I'm sure I will have an impact on my children's lives in some way. Hopefully good and not bad. But will there be anyone else? It isn't something that keeps me up at night. I'm not worried if I don't impact your life, but I'm sure its a good feeling. But how do we know? I'm not much of a christian anymore so its not like I plan on getting up in front of a podium anytime soon to give my testimony. I don't even think I have had my AH-HA moment. Hell, I don't even know what I want to be when I grow up. I can tell you that I am a great father, an awesome husband and I love a cold beer. I also can make some mean mashed potatoes but thats just if you're asking me..... So I guess I have 5 more years to really figure a lot of things out. Eevie will be in school by then and I will have no other option but to figure out what to do or who to impact or where my life will go from that point on. So I guess here's to waiting until I'm 35 to fully understanding and completely figuring my life's dreams and goals. This isn't much of a post I know, but hell, its my first one in 9 months or so. Hopefully I can get back into it. I like "blogging" about real life shit. Maybe my next one will be tomorrow about why I'm the only one in the house who gets spit up on and has to change their shirt 3-4 times in a day. Or maybe it will be next week about how lonely those 3 hours of not hearing Adrien's voice are. Either way, I hope to keep them going.