Friday, May 27, 2011

Things I've learned being a parent, and things I'll never understand.

First and foremost, Patience. I thought before Adrien, I was a pretty laid back and easy going guy. I was fairly patient and easy to get along with. But once you have a child, there is a new kind of patience to learn and it will be tested daily. The crying, the whining and most of all the lack sleep. Who knew babies were such hard work? I've learned how to read his cues though. Which is good. I can tell which cry is an actual bad cry. There is a whine cry, a mad cry and an I'm hurt cry. I only pick him up for the latter of those. Just to comfort and rub the booboo. I've learned when he is ready for sleep even though he is still running and playing. I can smell a poopy diaper 10 ft away. Which really isnt a great thing, but is a good thing. I've learned the things that make him laugh and the things that make him cry. Say "arms up" and he lifts his arms and let's you tickle his underarms and squeals with laughter. Turn the handle on the jack in the box and out comes the pterodactyl shrill followed by crying. I've learned how to trick him into eating foods he doesn't really like. You give him a bite of something he likes and then 2 bites of what he doesn't. These are just a few things that I have learned. Now for a few things I will never understand. I don't understand why other parents get 2 hour naps from their kids. If he naps on me, 1 hour. Lay him in the crib, 30-45 mins. Why does he have to cry like a maniac when he does wake up in the crib? Be it when he wakes up at 7 in the morning or each one of his naps during the day. Always crying. Why does he have all these toys but would rather play with a broom or the fly swatter? Really Adrien? A fly swatter? Why is his idea of fun just running around? Why does it seem like a good idea to eat the books as I try to read them rather than just sit and listen? Why do you have to have a rat tail/baby mullet? Why do you pick up the heaviest container of blocks you have and grunt and moan and scream carrying it around? Why does thunder wake me up but not you? I could go on for days. Maybe one day I will learn these things too. But for now I just have to sit here and scratch my head. And on occasion want to body slam you. Not hurt you. Just make you realize you aren't a pterosaur. But thank you for loving me. And snuggling me. And waving and blowing kisses when I leave for work. And for reaching for me when you want me to hold you. Those simple things make everything I go through day to day all worth it. I love you boy and don't you forget it!

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